Calling All Mermaids!!
This Mermaid party is one of my favorite parties, hands down! I am still impressed at all that I did for this party. I found the perfect fabric, the perfect ribbon, the cutest decor and all in the right color!! I know I will always look back and be so impressed with my party skills when I was 'young'. Haha!
These invites were amazing! The ribbon had shells, starfish and mermaid charms and I found cute little rocks and shells to put on top of the sand. I still can't believe I found the bottles at the dollar store. Thankfully it was Valentine's season and these were little message in a bottle Valentines. I scored big time!

Kate had a perfect dress to wear for her big day. She is just the cutest thing ever!

I found the paper and then wrote "Welcome Mermaids" on it for my sign. Too perfect!

These are some of the best cupcakes I have ever made!! I cut the tails out the day before and added them in the day of the party. I LOVE them so much! And they tasted amazing!!!!

Kate's favorite drink is Ocean Water at Sonic and I found the perfect recipe online.

These were so fun and so easy to make! I got little gumballs for the pearls and used the frosting from the cupcakes to fill them up. So adorable!

I hand stuffed each balloon with goodies for each of the girls to take home. They each got their own little pinata!

These were easy to make and looked so cool hanging all over the house :)

I love making banners for the parties. I put lots of shells everywhere as well!

I used the extra fabric to make this one. It was so easy!!

I had the table set for Kate and her special friends.

Our gold fish made the perfect centerpiece!!

The food was perfect for the kids, shell mac and cheese, shell bread sticks and fruit. It was a perfect party!!