Staying Healthy during Flu Season
I think we all need as much help as we can get on how to stay healthy. It seems like the more kids I have, the more germs we are exposed to. I feel like germs come into my house every day from school, preschool, and the grocery store. I can't escape it!!! But I have discovered something that has worked wonders for me and I am happy to share it with all of you!
I am hesitant to even post this because I don't want my superstitions to get the best of me. I know that once I say it out loud, I will get sick...but since I am knocking on wood as I type this hopefully it will be OK....but.....I have been taking probiotics and vitamins for over 3 years and I have yet to get sick!!!! Seriously, I haven't been sick-sick, on the couch can't move sick for over 3 years. My entire family got the flu after Christmas 3 years ago and I couldn't get off the couch for over 7 days. It was terrible. I don't think there is anything worse than being so sick and trying to take care of kids that are just as sick. That was one of the hardest weeks of my life!! When I was at the doctor I asked her for the best advice she could give me on how to stay healthy and without even hesitating she said probiotics. I took a handful of samples home and decided I would take them from that day forward. Well....3 years later and I am still healthy as can be! My kids don't take them as much as I do and they still get sick from time to time. The germs are still coming into my home daily but they don't seem to bother me. I would pass this advice onto everyone because it has worked so well for me!!! I have been around sick people, the kids have been sick and cough in my face, Joe has been sick and still kisses me, and I was stuck in a closet with my mom doing wedding flowers while she was SO sick, and I didn't get any of it!! I encourage everyone to try my secret and see if it works.
Other things to mention....
I try to eat healthy and drink a ton of water. That helps a lot!!
I take a multi vitamin every day as well
I use hand sanitizer all the time and try not to touch my face
I get a flu shot in December once I hear the flu cases are showing up
I don't eat a ton of sugar and I don't drink soda
I went to help in my daughters classroom and I felt like I needed to take a shower afterwards. Coughing kids everywhere, kids picking their noses, sneezing without covering, etc. It was disgusting. It made me realize just how many germs come home from school and just how lucky I am to not be sick all the time! I am so thankful for that doctor that told me about probiotics. I pray they work just as well for all of you!
PS....this is the brand I like and I get them from Costco. They go on sale a few times a year too, so stock up!!