Amazon Prime NOW!
I remind myself constantly how privileged I am to live in a world where things like Walmart Grocery Pick Up and Amazon Prime NOW exist. It's hard to believe there are people still alive today that had to use the bathroom outside, and I get things delivered to my door in an hour! I think it's safe to say we have come a LONG way!!!!
Now back to the Prime NOW!! I learned about this service recently and of course, I had to try it right away! It was hard to believe that I could really pick out random items and get them delivered to my door in an hour or 2. My husband and I were making cocktails and we needed a few new mixers and I also had my eye on a new farm toy for my daughter. We added a few items to our cart: cranberry juice, pineapple juice, club soda and a fisher price toy farm. Oh and Oreos. My husband couldn't live without trying the new Mega Stuffed Oreos! Totally random list of items if you ask me! He selected his delivery window, agreed to the tip and before we knew it, our order had arrived!! Not only did we have it in less than 2 hours, we could track the person driving it over so we knew exactly when it was arriving! (Makes it nice when my daughter is sleeping!! Dogs, doorbells, sleeping baby....I like to avoid anyone using my door these days!)
We had our mixers, a new toy for the baby and cookies to enjoy, all without leaving the house! Amazing!!!
Now, let me ask a simple questions. How much would you pay to have something delivered to your door in a matter of hours? I feel this service is beyond amazing. You have to pay almost 50 cents to mail a letter that gets there in a day or 2. But what about a package that will get to you in an hour?? Amazon will suggest a tip to have your items delivered. Typically, it's 5% of the order but you can adjust it if you would like. It's optional and not required, but suggested. I was beyond annoyed when my husband told me about someone he was talking to that did not want to tip the delivery driver!!! These are people trying to make a little extra money. They saved you a trip to the store. They saved you gas, mileage and wear and tear on your car. They saved you from finding a parking spot, unloading your kids, standing in line and then reloading your kids. They saved you time, and traffic, and the ability to have the items you want without having to leave your cozy house. And you can't tip them $5.00?!?!?!? And you make over 6 figures!?!?!?!?! I hope people like that don't ruin this service for the rest of us. Some people just need to be reminded of what they are getting from that $5.00. You tip a waitress 15-20% and they just bring your food to the table! These drivers have to go across town and find your house. It's easy for some to forget the convenience that exists in this day and age that some in the past probably thought they would never live to see.
So please, tip your drivers! And hopefully you will enjoy this amazing service from good ol' Amazon Prime as much as I do :)