Post Holiday Meltdown?

Does anyone else have post holiday blues?? I will admit that a small part of me is sad that the holidays are over, but....a big part of me is happy too!! December is always a crazy month (well, end of November to January!!). It's just go, go, go, go, go all month long! When January comes I find that I have a bit of a meltdown. I have 10 loads of laundry that I put off over Christmas break, kids going back to school when their sleep patterns are WAY off, no groceries in the house since we ate out for 2 weeks, and about 100 new items that need to find a place in my already full house! Can I just put my head under my pillow and hide for a little while?!?! I have to take a deep breath and remind myself that it's a new year and I usually don't have much planned in January and life will get back to normal in no time. Am I alone here or do other people feel this way?!?!
This first week back to school has been tough and I feel the need to organize every drawer and every cupboard while I try to put away all the Christmas stuff. It's a good time to go through the house and purge, but it's just tough finding the time to do it!
Thanks to Krista's great cleaning schedule (found on this blog!) I have done a little bit each day and the house is slowly coming together. I think spring cleaning starts in January for this mama!