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The Oscar Snub

I love awards season! The reason I love awards season is because I love watching movies and TV shows and I always hope that the actors, movies, and shows I love the most get recognized for being amazing. My favorite awards show, The Golden Globes, just aired. The reason it is my favorite is because it includes both TV and movies and it also has a comedy category. I love movies that make me laugh so I appreciate that they include that category as well. At times, I think it is even harder to make someone laugh so the fact that the funny geniuses of the world get big awards too is fantastic. The next big awards show is the Oscars and you bet I will be watching!

There is a long running joke about Leonardo Dicaprio not receiving an Oscar. I believe that he has been nominated 5 times and has yet to win. He has won Golden Globes but has yet to take home the gold little man statue that all of Hollywood covets. I would not say that I am a huge Leo fan but I definitely appreciate his work and the movies that he is in. I find myself hating the fact everyone makes fun of him for not getting the honor of an Oscar. So much so, I had to write a blog about it.

There are so many movies that he has been in that have been monsters in the box office. If a director casts Leo, he knows he is going to have a box office winner on his hands. This brings me to my first point; Leo makes other people look good. You know how in the NBA players are celebrated for their assists? For you non sports gals, that is when a player assists another player in making a basket. Well, Leo would be the league record holder for award assists. Although he has never received his own Oscar, how many people has he helped get theirs? Actors and directors alike have gone away that evening with their awards knowing darn well that Leo was the reason.

I know perfectly well that Leo probably cares less about an Oscar, but I care! I also think his fans and the fans of his movies care. How did he not win for What is eating Gilbert Grape? I really think he deserves this honor. While he is sipping cocktails on his yacht with 12 beautiful models while figuring out a way to save the environment, I will be hoping for his first Oscar, even if he isn’t. He is once again nominated for an Oscar for the movie The Revenant. So, on February 28th I will be watching in hopes that our boy Leo takes it home!

What do you think? I normally do not really care but this just makes me angry for some reason. Academy, give Leo some love!! Below are some of the memes about this topic. Enjoy!



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