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Ricotta and Honey Bruschetta

This one I came by surprise. I was in New York City with my sister and some of her friends and they ordered a cheese plate. We were at the popular restaurant Eataly owned by famous chef, Mario Batalli. When the cheese plate came out it looked just like you thought it would, perfect! The only thing I was a little suspect of was the globby cheese in the middle. I am sure that this is normal but I had never seen this. I hate cottage cheese and have an issue with texture so I was not really excited to dive into it right away.

My sister handed me a little sampler plate of cheesy goodness and there sat the little goopy glob. Why did she give me this? Doesn’t she know me by now? I have a ridiculous aversion to weird textures! Not wanting to look like an idiot in front of her or her NYC friends, I dove into the lumpy white mess. Wow! It was soooo good! It was creamy ricotta cheese with honey and pecans. It tasted salty, smooth, and sweet all at the same time. Pass the lumpiness please…I could not get enough!

I am not a fan of sweets so this was like dessert to me. Just enough sweetness to make you want a little more and boy did I! When I got home, I made it part of my bruschetta plate. This is an easy, but crowd pleasing, bruschetta to add to any party. I generally do not like to serve it alone because it does look a little suspect, think about my reaction when I first saw it, so it is great as a trio so feel free to pick and choose any of the bruschetta I post to make your own beautiful but delicious bruschetta plate.



Chopped pecans or walnuts

Crostini (baguette sliced, brushed with olive oil, broiled until slightly browned)

Spread ricotta on crostini. Drizzle with honey. Top with chopped nuts. Enjoy!


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