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DIY Hulk Costume!

I like to pretend that I can sew. If I see a project I think I can do....I don't hesitate to try it out. I do that with my cakes too. I definitely know when something is above my expertise level. So just know that if I can do this project, anyone can!!!!

I pray the entire time I am sewing that the thread never comes out. Sometimes I forget how to even thread the machine...that is how much I sew!! Haha!! Luckily the manual to my machine is easily accessible online. So grab your supplies and go for it and hope for the best like I did :)

You will need:

2 green onsies (I got mine at Wal-Mart, my favorite store ;) for $3.25 each)

1/2 yard of stretchy purple fabric

elastic for the waistband



glue gun


I started off by making the shorts. I grabbed a pair of my baby's current sized shorts and tried to figure out how they were made. I folded the fabric in half and then folded the shorts in 1/2 and cut out the approximate size. Since I had extra fabric, I knew I could try again if I messed up so I wasn't being too careful. I also knew that the Hulk rips his clothes so if they looked horrible, it would only add to the costume! It took me a few tries to get them right and I am not ashamed to admit that I did get a skirt at first. But eventually I figured it out and officially had my first pair of shorts!!! I even sent out a SnapChat to show everyone my accomplishment :)

For the green legs, I cut the arms off the extra onsie I bought. I bought one in her current size and then one in a bigger size so I could use the arms as leggings. Once I cut them off I sewed them onto the sides of the shorts from the inside. I used safety pins at first to make sure they were going to work and tried them on my baby. I was so happy that everything fit right and it was all coming together so nicely! Once I knew they were the right height I sewed them on. I cut a few rips and tears on the purple and they were done!!

For the body suit I started by cutting pecks and abs out of the extra fabric from the 2nd onsie. I set them all in the right places and then glued them on with a hot glue gun. I even added a few pieces of cotton to the pecks to make them stick out a bit. I added a shoulder and forarm and I was all done. I also made a little headband from my extra purple fabric. It was so easy and didn't take long at all!!

Look at this cute girl!! She was the perfect addition to her brother and sister. Half the Avengers team! I love it!

**UPDATE** After testing this costume out at our Fall Festival I noticed you couldn't see the muscles very well in the dark. So for Halloween I decided to highlight around them all in black perminent marker. It was perfect!!! Added so much to the costume. I highly recommend doing it too!


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