Candy Buyback??
Ok, so I keep hearing all about these candy buyback programs. I also saw something on Shark Tank about a Witch that will come at night and trade the kid a toy for all their candy. I just don't know how I feel about this!!! Have we really gotten to the point that we can't let our kids keep any of the candy they just worked so hard for?!?!? It is a little strange that we let our kids dress up and go door to door asking for candy. But if all they are going to do is sell it, or throw it away, why should we even continue the tradition???
I like to be the kind of mom that lets my kids have their candy. If they want a few pieces a day in their lunch, what’s the problem? I do not understand the point of the candy buy back. I guess maybe there are parents out there that just let their kids eat candy all day long? Or kids that eat 20 pieces when their mom said they can have 2? I think it's mostly dentist offices that buy it back too...which is funny because you would think they would want the kids to eat all that sugar just for more business! Haha!
So, what do you think of the candy buyback program? Do you feel like you don't even want to pass out candy because the kids will just give it away? Because that's how I feel!! I work just as hard as my kids going door to door and you better believe I will enjoy their candy as much as they do :)
Am I crazy for not wanting to get rid of all that candy!?!??