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The Walking Dead = No Appetite

It is no surprise that I love television. One of my favorite shows is the very popular The Walking Dead. I would have never thought I would like this show let alone love it! I think I feel like I should be watching this show so I can prepare in case there is ever a zombie apocalypse so it makes it okay. I cannot get myself to watch scary movies due to the gore in them but there is a strange phenomenon with this show. After awhile, you kind of quit noticing all the blood and head bashing except for one situation…when you are eating.

When one of our favorite shows is on, I like to make it a special event by making an appetizer or a special dinner to go along. It makes it more of an event. I do this for such shows as Game of Thrones, Homeland, and Hell on Wells. Not every show gets special treatment but there are some shows that just deserve it. Well, I learned quickly that The Walking Dead would not be on that list. Not because it isn’t one of my favorites, it is because you quickly lose you appetite after a dozen zombies meet their much-deserved doom.

One night I was just starving so I threw in a frozen pizza. This is my go to quick meal when I really do not want to cook and I really do not want to go get takeout. I am not afraid to admit that I am very lazy from time to time. It is cheap, easy, and tastes pretty good. Hey, I never claimed to be a domestic goddess; I try the best that I can. So, my pizza was done, I got it all sliced and plated so that we could fill our empty bellies. I quickly lost my appetite because The Walking Dead was on. I love this show! Why can’t I combine two of my favorite things? Eating and television. It really isn’t due to the graphics as much as the sounds that the zombies make. They are either making the gurgley hissing sound or if they are being killed then it is this mushy macaroni and cheese, slushy sound. It is horrible!

So, let me ask you, can you eat during The Walking Dead? I can be famished and a have Mexican fiesta sitting in front of me and I just cannot do it! Cheers to the start of season 6 starting tonight!!!


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