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Wives' Night OUT...A Defining Moment

So, it is no secret that Kiera and I love our nights out with our friends. We have some of the greatest friends and any time we get to spend with them is special. One of our very dear friends, Amie, invited us out for a girls’ night and we quickly obliged.

At the time, Amie had a small toddler and for her birthday, her awesome husband got her a night out with the girls. He got us a nice hotel room and we were ready for a fun night out! Our first stop was dance lessons at a burlesque/pole dancing studio. I am sure you can guess that it was me who planned this part of our evening. I had always wanted to do this and I could not think of two better people to share this awkward, yet hilarious, experience with.

To be quite honest, we all did a really good job! It was a private session and our instructor made us feel comfortable. We brought wine but didn’t even wind up opening the bottle. We just dove right into our mini dance lesson and did magnificently! We learned something new and had a new experience. I always want to try new things and I could now cross this off the bucket list! If you are thinking about doing anything like this, it is not as embarrassing as you would think. Also, it is not perverted or inappropriate. It was very classy!

Next we were off to check into the hotel, change, and go to dinner. See back in the day, the three of us would get all dressed up cute and go out on the town. Since then, times have changed. We were now old maids. We were all married and they were moms. Great moms at that! These days, dinner was a pretty happening thing! We decided on this Mexican restaurant that had excellent food and live music. After that, we headed to the pub next door.

This is how you know things have changed. You and your friends will not stay at a bar unless you can find a table. That was the first thing we did when we walked into the pub. Spread out and find a table! We were on a mission! Thankfully we found a nice high top by the door and our night of debauchery had begun!

We ordered our drinks and started chit chatting. So, the whole reason I am even writing this post is due to an extremely hilarious conversation that we had at the pub. It was the defining moment for me that we were now adults. We are not old by any means but it was just too evident to avoid! I am sure many of you have had this defining moment as well.

So I asked the ladies what celebrity they were most attracted to. Me being me, I was a little embarrassed to answer because I have always had weird taste in celebrities. Not super weird. I mean, I have always had crushes on celebrities like Ryan Reynolds, Zac Efron, and Paul Walker but I also found people like James McAvoy and Zach Braff very attractive. Although I know most think that they are cute too, they are not the overwhelmingly popular vote like Channing Tatum or Brad Pitt, both of whom are not attractive to me. So after sharing my celebrity crushes, which neither of them had heard of, I was awaiting their responses. I was preparing myself for the usual Matthew Mcconaughy or Bradley Cooper answer but what I got was on a whole other level and I will never forget their responses.

First, Amie says her celebrity crush is Matt Lauer. Okay, okay, I get it, he is a handsome man but keep in mind we are in our early thirties. This is something that I would expect my mom to say, not my 32 year old friend. After much thought, I gave her a pass because come to think of it, he looks a little like her husband. It is kind of cute that she picked him after I connected the dots. BUT wait! She says, “Never mind, my crush is Adam Duritz.” I just looked at her blankly. She said, “You know, the lead singer of the Counting Crows.” Oh I know who he is. He looks homeless and has had the same weird hairdo for two decades. Out of all the celebrities in the world these are the hottest you could come up with!? My dorky crush on Zach Braff, because he created the soundtrack to Garden State, didn’t look so weird any more.

Now onto Kiera. I know her, she is going to pick one of the standard answers. She is into the traditionally handsome men. She will pick George Clooney or Chris Hemsworth or something like that. I will never forget how much she shocked me that evening. She looks at us and says “Al Bundy.” We all just started laughing and she says “No, no, no him in Modern Family, not in Married with Children.” How is this better? That might actually make it worse. What little weirdoes they both were! We were just giggling for like 15 minutes about this.

So my two best friends, on our wild night out, pick Al Bundy and Adam Duritz as their celebrity crushes. This is that defining moment. We were all grown up and time to go back to the hotel room…which we did. Haha! It was such a fun and memorable night for me. I am happy to say I am a grown up and I wish Amie and Kiera many sweet dreams of their celebrity crushes.


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