Most of the time, I feel like I stay pretty up to date with the latest trends but recently I have discovered that is NOT the case. I am actually pretty out of it when it comes to the 'in' things that kids are doing. Let's just say....I had no idea what Tinder was. Along with a bunch of other things. I have young life revolves around Alvin and the Chipmunks and Good Luck Charlie. And by the way, I owe my parents an apology for ever making them watch Alvin and the Chipmunks. Their singing is like nails on a chalkboard!!!! And that dang song is stuck in my head ALL DAY LONG!! Ugh!
Well, my brother texted me the other day, (which he rarely does!) and tells my siblings and I that we need to get Snap-chat if we want to keep in touch with him more. Looking for any excuse to see what my cool younger brother is up to, I quickly downloaded the app. I felt like a grandma trying to use it. I had no clue how to take a picture and why they were gone in a matter of seconds. I was not sold initially. I of course told Joe that I sent him some snaps, (trying to make myself look like a cool mom) and he instantly got his phone and activated his account as well. It took us a few days to get the hang of it but I have to say that I sort of love it!!! I will share all my reasons why I think it's awesome.
1. It's SO easy to send pictures to multiple people at one time. When you text a picture you have to add each person into the conversation one at a time. It's annoying.
That brings me to my next reason....
2. You don't get a million reply all replies!! Don't people know how to reply to a message to just the sender?!?!? Especially if you see a bunch of random numbers you don't know???? I HATE when I get a reply on a group text thread that was only meant for the sender. I don't need to know that some random person's daughter is getting their braces off next Wednesday. Come on people!!!
3. You can send 10 second videos!! Or really, any number of videos, but they will be broken into 10 second intervals. You can send someone a video, then a picture, then a video and then a picture and they can view it all at one time. For example, my sister in law took a picture of dolphins jumping at Sea World, then an awesome video of my brother clapping in sheer excitement. It was the best!! I love getting a glimpse into the newlywed's world :)
4. You can send a text message, but there is no need to reply to every picture. If someone texts you a picture you feel obligated to reply. But, if someone snaps you a need to reply!! It's awesome!
5. You can send really funny, ugly, or pointless pictures to people. They look at it for 10 seconds or less, and then they are gone forever! If Joe asks me a weird question I will reply with the ugliest face ever! But be careful, because people can screen shot your images!! But luckily, when they do you get notified :)
I really enjoy this app and I think you will too!! I feel like I am way behind the game though...I know kids have been using snap-chat for a long time now! I hear they don't even use Facebook anymore....just Snap-chat. I don't want to think of some of the snaps being sent out there....between teens. I hope my kids stay little forever, that is all I will say!!! But for now, I will enjoy feeling like a 'cool mom' and talk about all the fun snaps I get all day!
Here are a few of my favorites!