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Item of the Week!!

My mom is constantly trying to find healthy oil alternatives. I feel a little hypercritical when it comes to oil because my home Country (CANADA!!) has acre after acre after acre of rapeseed, which is the plant used to make canola oil. It was actually discovered in Canada and is widely used in cooking as well as other types of non cooking uses. In of 2005, it was determined that more than 87% of the Canola oil in the US was genetically modified. Whether or not you try to avoid GMO's or even know what a GMO is....I have tried to find healthier and more natural alternatives for all my cooking needs. My mom introduced me to Avocado oil a few months ago and I LOVE it!! It actually has the highest cooking temperature of all the oils. It also doesn't have a strong flavor. I love cooking stir fry but I am not a fan of the Asian oils. Cooking with Avocado oil has saved the day! It handles the high heat from my wok and doesn't altar the taste of my meal. I use it for everything I satay on the stove. This huge bottle can be found at Costco for under $10.00!


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