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Cleaning Schedule

Ugh! I hate cleaning. Not only do I hate cleaning, I am really horrible at it. Sometimes I feel like things look dirtier after I clean them than before but since I smooshed around something that claims to be anti-bacterial and it smells like citrus, I feel like I did my job.

I was one of “those people” who had somebody clean my house for years. Boy was she amazing! I would come home from work, drop my purse on the floor and literally twirl around the house. The house just felt clean. My husband would text me and ask if I was spinning around and I would always answer “YES!!” with about a million happy face emojis. That is why when my cleaning lady went poof, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I mean, I gave her fantastic tips each month and always a lovely Christmas gift. Why did she leave me? WHY!? I am still sad about that breakup, can you tell? If I had a choice between her and…okay…never mind… I will not go there. But you get me. She was amazing.

After contacting others who used her services I found out that it wasn’t just me. She pretty much poofed from everyone’s life. According to a friend, she was still posting on Facebook so at least I knew she was alive. Maybe she was an angel sent to help those who are cleaning disabled like me and it was time to move on to the next poor soul. I like to dream that she won the lottery and is kicking it by a pool somewhere. Man did she deserve it!

Since then I have tried to find another to replace her but I am sorry to say, it just isn’t working. I mean, I am really not anything close to a neat freak so when I come home after I have someone new clean my house and it looks worse than what I could do, I just can’t see paying for it anymore. It is a luxury, not a need. I understand that I am very fortunate to ever have anyone clean my home so please do not take this the wrong way. I just think my cleaning lady spoiled me for life!

So, I decided to give cleaning the house myself another try. It is not that I think I am above cleaning my house; I am seriously just awful at it. My mom and my sister are cleaning queens. Their houses are always spotless and organized and here I am over here trying to figure out how to use a Swiffer. Those are awesome by the way. I mean, if I can use it…anyone can. Now if only my doorbell would ring and a green box of Swifferness was there I would be all set. By the way, I love those old people in the commercial. “How do we make so much dirt?” I just want to smoosh them they are so cute!

I am the most impatient person I know. There is no way I can spend hours upon hours cleaning. Not going to work for me. If you do not hate me after reading this post, there must be something wrong with you. I hate myself as I write this. If you knew me, this would all make much better sense. My friends are laughing right now because they know me so well so please don’t judge me. The next thing they would make fun of me about is my hatred of crowds at Wal-Mart and Costco. Sometimes I think I am really an eighty five year old lady. I do love naps.

Not wanting to be a complete loser I decided to make a cleaning schedule for myself. What if I devoted about 30 minutes to an hour a day on cleaning? This might actually work for me and you know what? It did! I am happy to say that after a few months of doing this, I am getting better and things are looking cleaner. Before long, I can market my cleaning skills to the pros. I will still take tips if you have them though. Wink wink!

This list does not include things like laundry or wiping the counters after dinner but I think you will get the gist. Also, feel free to change up the days to work for you. Sometimes we have more time on certain days to do the less appealing tasks such as the bathrooms. If I win the lottery…self cleaning toilets for everyone! The worst. Blah.

Monday-Bedrooms. I make sure sheets are washed, clothes are put away, and everything is tidy. Do not vacuum or dust. This feels weird at first but you will get used to it.

Tuesday – Bathrooms. Clean toilets, countertops, sinks and showers. I also made one of those little squeegee things I found Pinterest where you put the vinegar and Dawn soup and just clean the shower when you are taking a shower. Genius! Easy and efficient. My kind of thing! Again, do not clean the floors. Weird…I know.

Wednesday – Kitchen. Wipe out microwave, clean stove top, and wipe down all surfaces including fridge, dishwasher, and cabinets. If you are anything like me, your kitchen island is a catch all for crap. I take this time to straighten this area up as well. Make sure the clean the sink really well too. Again, no floors. Remember, I am efficient so I am doing this efficiently.

Thursday – Dust and floors. I dust first so I can vacuum up all of my cat’s hair floaters. I swear he is cloning himself! There are puffs of hair floating around my house like tumbleweeds. Then I vacuum and finally Swiffer all the tile floors. It actually goes pretty quickly because you are doing it throughout the entire house. I get a workout on this day! Oh man! Just put on some Florence and the Machine and rock out with your mop out!

Friday – Meal plan and grocery shop. This is my favorite day. I love lists so making a grocery list is like meditation for me. More on my love for lists later. This also keeps you from going out to eat over the weekend if you are trying to eat better. If you have fresh food, it looks so good that you will not want to go out.

I hope that this helps you! I am still trying to figure out when/how to do the really super fun things like dust the blinds and clean the oven but I am confident that I will get there. Otherwise, I can still dream that Donna and all of her glory will come back to me one day. A girl can dream…it took all the strength I had not to fall apart. Kept trying hard to mend the pieces of my broken heart. And I spent oh so many nights just feeling sorry for myself. I used to cry and now I hold my head up high…I will survive… HEY HEY!! (Oh Aretha Franklin…you just get me!)


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